Getting students to and from school safely and in a timely manner is of utmost importance to school personnel as well as parents. This daily task can only be accomplished with strict adherence to the following procedures:
- Parents must be in a car displaying a car rider tag with the student’s name and teacher’s name clearly written.
- Parents who do not have a car rider tag will have to pull over, enter the office, show ID and sign the student(s) out.
- For the safety of all, students will not be dismissed to persons who are not in a car and/or who don’t have car rider tag displayed.
Morning Arrival
8:30 am
Main Gate opens for entry into the building by students. Parents are not allowed into the building unless they have a Visitor’s Pass issued by the main office.
There is no student supervision before this time. Under NO CONDITION should a child be left at our school before 8:30am.
8:30am – 8:45am
Cafeteria is open for FREE breakfast.
Students will be marked tardy if they are not in their class at this time.
Afternoon Dismissal
A Dismissal Pass must be shown to school staff or displayed on the vehicle’s dashboard in order to receive the student. NO PASS, NO STUDENT. Replacement passes may be issued by the main office with a photo ID. Please inform your child’s teacher if you need additional passes.
2:30 pm
Dismissal for all students.
Tardy Arrival
Any child who arrives after the scheduled starting time of school (8:45 am) will be considered tardy and will need to be escorted into the office. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should a student arrival at the school without a guardian.
The student and parent/guardian must report to the office. At that time, the student will be signed in at the office, and a class admission slip will be given to the student so that he/she may be admitted into the classroom.
Consistent lateness to school because of personal illness may necessitate providing a medical excuse.
Tardiness to school for any reason other than those stated in the school policy will be marked unexcused. Total minutes tardy will be recorded and dealt with according to the policy.
Following the third unexcused tardy, disciplinary action may be taken at the discretion of the building principal or designee. Unexcused tardies and unexcused early dismissals may accumulate towards unlawful absence.
A student’s late arrival to school will be excused for the following reasons only:
- Personal illness.
- Death in the immediate family.
- Exceptional urgent or safety reasons – must pertain to the individual student as determined by the principal or designee.
- Religious holiday/event.
- Required court attendance.
A request for excused lateness to school for a student requires a written note signed by parent/guardian which must be presented the next school day attended.
Rainy Day Procedures
Students will be dismissed in the same manner as regular days. In case of lightning, strong winds or inclement weather, students will not be dismissed and must picked up by an authorized adult at the main gate.
Early Release of Students
As per School Board Rule, students may not be released early from school within the last 30 minutes of school. Board Rule 5200 Students will only be released to individuals in authorized contact form.
After School Enrichment
After School Enrichment is available for students who require extended school day supervision.
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